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Ethiopiaus is a non-political, not-for-profit privately run humanitarian organisation, working to address the root causes associated with orphans and vulnerable children, and the destitute elderly in Ethiopia. We are legally registered and licensed to operate in accordance with the charities and societies proclamation, but rely solely on the generosity of sponsors and donors to continue our work.

Our Orphanage provides a loving, secure home for orphaned, abandoned and neglected children. We value education extremely highly as a necessary foundation for our children's long-term success and independence, and provide economic support for the school-aged children in our home to attend a private school.


In addition to institutional care for orphans, Ethiopiaus provides various comprehensive services including a community based sponsorship programme, skill training for Nannies working in both governmental and non-governmental orphanages, and economical and psychosocial support for the destitute elderly.


We facilitate lasting change by strengthening capacity for self-help and providing economic opportunities. Since our establishment, Ethiopiaus has assisted over 100 needy children and elders.

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