Bezabish is a 70 year old woman living around kirkos sub city woreda 11. Bezabish used to live with her son and his family, including wife and 5 children. Her son provided all the basic needs for his family and his mother Bezabish, however he was tragically murdered by his close friends over 2 years ago.
This left the family destitute, and with no provider. Bezabish’s emotional health also greatly suffered, losing her one and only son.
Following this tragedy, Bezabish moved into shared accommodation, a run-down government house. Here she was supported by neighbors providing her a daily meal and monitoring her mental health as best they could.
By the time Ethiopiaus found Bezabish, her physical and psychological health had deteriorated and she was in much need of medical attention.
With the support of Ethiopiaus' elderly sponsorship program, Bezabish’s overall health and well-being has improved and she is beginning to face her grief and move forwards with her life.
Kelemua is 72 years old. She is living around yeka seb city in a very old and small house, sharing with two other people. She doesn’t have any children or family who can support her.
Her husband died from HIV/AIDS. Following his death, she discovered that she also was living with the virus. Kelemua has no education and her husband provided their only source of family income. Due to her illness she is unable to support herself.
She resorted to begging around churches in order to survive, however barely scraped together enough for regular food which impacted the effectiveness of her HIV medication.
Since sponsoring Kelemua through the Ethiopiaus Elderly program, she is now provided with adequate nutrition and medical support, as well as counselling. Her economical, physical and emotional well-being has improved immensely.
W/gebriel G/yonahis is a 65 year old man. He lives alone in a dark muddy house in a very poor area of Kirkos, in Addis, the capital of Ethiopia. He has lived a very lonely life, with no family support, rejected and isolated from the surrounding community. The only support he had was from a neighbor providing a very small amount of food daily, although not enough for adequate nutrition and health. His poor living condition left him undernourished and suffering from multiple and untreated illnesses.
Ethiopiaus have supported W/gebriel G/yonahis through our elderly sponsorship program, providing the opportunity of welfare support and medical treatment. He also has benefited from our psychosocial support program to improve his social skills and reduce his isolation.
He continues to improve, is making friends and spending time working as a daily laborer. He is able to earn a small amount of money, supplementing the welfare provided from Ethiopiaus.